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Thursday, March 7, 2024

We started out the month with a trip to see the California kids.
While there we went to see the first showing of season 4 of The Chosen. The best depiction of the life of Jesus ever. I really love this series, but season 4 really hits a lot of buttons, especially the topic of why God decides to work a miracle or not, why are some allowed to suffer while others not. It is a tear jerker for sure.
And while I am on that topic, I also read a book on that same subject. 'Suffering is Never for Nothing', written by Elizabeth Elliot.
Of all the books on grief that I have read, this one satisfied my questions more than any. I knew it was the perfect book to pass on to Mom, who still struggles with Cyndi's passing. She felt so much better after reading it. I don't know if it is only because so much time has passed and she was more
open to what she was reading, or if it is really the book. I think it is the book. The book is now making the rounds in Dan's family and mine.
I love listening to Gabe and Daniel practice their violins. Both are so professional. When they are practicing, I like to sneak in and sit behind them and listen. They seem so happy to discover me there when they are done and turn around.

While we were there a huge rain storm went through, leaving snow in the higher areas. I don't think I have ever seen snow in the Grapevine as we went home before this time.
All that rain is making a difference in the Shasta area farther north too. The water levels are really coming up. The water was so low the past few trips through that you could barely see the water in some areas.
I took both boys birthday shopping for Gabe's birthday. Afterwards we went for lunch. I can't believe he is 14 now!

This month's baking challenge on Sally's baking website was Napoleons. I don't think I would have ever tried them. It was fun, for sure a challenge with so many steps. I broke it into two days to make them, one to bake and one to assemble. They turned out alright, but I doubt I will go to all that work again. Her alternative challenge was paniers. Again, a lot of work and nobody was very impressed with them.

I made a Valentine box for all the kids, taking Gabe and Daniel theirs when we went down. It was fun. I bought square boxes at the Dollar Tree, cut the sides, then glued candy on the sides. Then you pull the sides back up and hold them all up with the lid. When they open them, the sides fall down showing off all the candy and a gift card to Baskin Robins. I think they all really liked it.

Mom and Dad came for Valentine dinner. It was the night I made my napoleons.
Arianna and Lina (and school friends) are really into skin care. Their biggest thrill is going to Sephora and wandering around. It really tops it off if they get to buy something!

Once home, they like to practice on Grandma. Here is my view of the process. 

Meanwhile, Josiah prefers to stay with Grandpa while the girls shop.
Last summer I ordered some special pink crocus from Holland. I had never seen pink ones and pink flowers are my very favorite. I am really disappointed to see that they are not really pink.
The robins have returned and love the bird bath.

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