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Sunday, April 18, 2021

February brought snow.  A lot of snow.  I had plans to stay with the Veras kids while their parents got away for their anniversary.  John delivered me to their house.  And then it started snowing, so much snow that the next morning, it was decided that they cancel their trip.  It was so much snow that John said that he wasn't going out to get me. That was just fine with me!  We had so much fun sledding and playing in the snow!  For five days!

The California Dixons had a snow weekend too. Just not with us.  I sure wish we could have all played in the snow together. 

We had our second shot and John was able to get his first.  We waited the 2 week time and celebrated with lunch at Salty's.

We had the kids overnight and went for walks.

This is a pointing tree.  The Indians used them a long time ago to point the way to trails and such.  This one is at an old home in Troutdale.

Across the road, the neighbor has some pretty fancy yard work made from trees too.

We have all been keeping a close eye on the Fox Marine pages.  It was pretty exciting to spot Josh in training.  Rachel captured a screenshot of him for us.  Since then, we have all been scouring the photos for more.  
I am pretty sure that is him, don't you agree?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Vicki ~
    Just wanted to say that I've missed you on facebook, but still enjoy reading your blog and and the pictures you post. You have such a way of catching the beauty around you.
