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Thursday, April 3, 2014

Here are a few shots from a weekend trip we took to Reno in February.

I loved the reflections as we sat outside in the sun.
I was really happy that my swan was there to greet me. Since we don't have any around here, it is just such a novelty to get to shoot them.  They are so elegant and glamorous to me.

I just 'quacked' up when I saw this little guy sitting on the edge of the lake.  His bill was so out of proportion to his little body.  His parents were close-by and didn't see what I thought was so funny.
A local woman walking the lake pointed out some Black Crowned Night Herons up in the trees beside the lake.  The bottom left is a shot of one of them. 


  1. Thanks for sharing Vicki. I always enjoy seeing the world through your lens. Beautiful pic's.

  2. I love to take photos...and love it when people love what I saw! thanks!!! xo
