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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Box Oven Cake, otherwise known as Camp Cake
When I first heard this one, I just knew it would be impossible. Bake a cake in a cardboard box? No way! But it is so fun. All you have to do is line a box with foil, then you need four cans to place a baking rack on. Mix up the cake and set it on the rack to bake. Each coal is 40 degrees of cooking heat, so you need 9 hot coals to bake that cake for 30 minutes. Don't peek more than once or it will mess up the temperature in the box. Trust it, it really works. (Oh, and if you try it, don't do like I did in the picture above, make sure your whole cake is over the coals and not on the cans. This time the cake took way longer to bake in those places and the center was a little bit burnt. )

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