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Tuesday, December 6, 2022

We started out the month of November with Josh and Josiah's birthdays. Josh is stationed in Japan, so we saw him on Facetime. 

Josiah had his 12th birthday!
He was really sick on his big golden 12 years on the 12th, but had a belated party a week later. 

Arianna has not been feeling well, so has had a few days here with me. When she was feeling up to it, we sewed, we baked, we did homework. One day, she decided she needed to assess my shoes. She pulled them out and lined them up to her favorites and worst. What a way to pass the time!

Mom and I donated blood. It was her first time. As it turned out, she was just below the line and it just stopped filling, so we are not sure if hers was used and I received a phone call that since we had been to Tanzania in September, my blood is not going to be used because of the malaria going on there. We were assured that it will be used for training purposes, so it won't go to waste.
I really like getting to see the awesome sunsets from this place.

John finally found a way to see his new grandson! It seems that Beau loves him! How could he not?

Abby sent this one of the boys. How can we slow these kids down from growing up so fast?

Josiah started basketball. Nice to see how much the kids improve from one season to another.
He even made his first in game shot!!!  (shot below top corner) I didn't think he or any of us were ever going to stop grinning!!! 

Lina is the self appointed half-time entertainment with her cartwheels and splits.
I put the Halloween pumpkins in the flowerbed by my front room windows where I could see them and cracked them open. The squirrels and birds have loved them.
My Christmas cactus was its best ever. 
Mom has just not been able to do her usual cooking of the meal for everyone on the holidays, so she asked me to do Thanksgiving dinner. I have always wanted to have the whole family gathered at my place for a big holiday, but this sure isn't the way I wanted to get that honor.

We ended dinner with a birthday song for Mom and Matt.

Mom's actual 85th birthday wasn't until the following Monday. I took her for a pedicure and shopping and then John and Dad met up with us at Salty's for dinner. We arrived a little early and cracked open some champagne before the guys arrived.